The World According to JJK

Monday, February 27, 2006

Back from the trip, with even less time to get stuff done

Wow, 2 weeks just flew by. Seems like just the other day I was hopping a plane to Sacramento, and now I'm back, with souvenier shotglasses in tow, to Tampa. Back to having a list of things to do and only having to rely mostly on myself to get them done. In some ways it's refreshing, but in others I just don't know how I'm going to get it all done in time. Take today for example: have to go sign my lease, hit the DMV for a license change, go to Target, do laundry, get renter's insurance, call on my 401k transfer and that's just the stuff I could think of while typing!

Yes it's an end of an era. I figured after getting carded so many times in CA and people just staring at the picture on my license, which is me at 16 due to always moving before my license expires, I feel it's time to get an "updated" look. Looking back on the trip, I'm amazed we all even got served alcohol, since at one point we had IDs at the bar from Florida, Georgia, Texas, Wisconsin, Arizona, and California. Never seen a bartender scrutinize IDs more in my life than out there.

California was cool. Got to go to San Francisco and see Alcatraz, Pier 39 (with sea lions) and the Golden Gate Bridge. Even WALKED up one of the massive hills so we could walk down Lombard Street, also know as the world's most crooked street. I've got some pictures I'll try to upload on here.

Well judging from my list I'm running about 3 hours late... better get moving so I can get it all done.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Vacation's over... back to work, in more ways than one

Well it's been a fun 6 days off. Had my last day at Enterprise on 2/1. Discussed it with HR and parted that day instead of today like I had originally planned, so I've technically been on "vacation" since then, and amazingly I accomplished quite a bit.

I started my apartment hunt and found a place quickly, and due to their availability, I will have a new address at the beginning of next month. Of all days to go apartment hunting, I picked my birthday to do so. That night Lindsey took me to The Cheesecake Factory for my birthday, which is always a fun experience, so I had a good birthday... of course it's hard not to have good day when you've already got the day off of work, but being with her made it even better.

The next morning we got up around 4:30 AM to make the 6 hour trek to Niceville. Figured it was as good a time as any to make the trip, plus I really needed to get all the presents Mom & Dad got me for my Christmas and birthday... which, to say in short, basically means they bought me everything I could ever need to start off living at a new place. Pots, pans, silverware, and so forth. I'm still amazed of the fact that it all fit in the car.

Only problem with my scheduling is that I don't really have a whole lot of time to pack. I've got to work the next 3 days, then will be jetting off to Sacramento for 2 weeks. So when I get back, I'll only have a week to get everything situated. I've already started boxing up what I can, but most of it has to stay until I'm ready to move. The only saving grace is that I don't have to be completely out of the house, since Jim still lives here, but I would like to get it all done sooner than later.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

One major accomplishment down... and a few more to go

Well I did it. No I'm not talking about updating my journal (though it has been awhile). I finally found another job! Today was my last day for work at Enterprise, and I feel great. There's been a lot of drama in the office for the past week or so due to my leaving and it was because of this drama I was able to make an early exit. Now not only do I have my birthday off, but I'm off until 2/8, when I will start my new position as a claims rep for Esurance.

Things are pretty hectic right now, going to be going to Niceville for the weekend with Lindsey. It'll be nice to see the old town again, but I'll be picking up my Christmas and Birthday presents for my new apartment which I will be getting soon. I think I've got it narrowed down to about 3 different places so it's an exciting time.

I think the new job will be a welcome change for me. They're going to fly me out to Sacramento for 2 weeks of training, which is awesome. The only downside is it's in mid-February, so I will have to miss a few things here in town. First I won't be able to go to Lindsey's friend's wedding with her in Jacksonville, so I will also miss stopping in St. Augustine to see my friend Sara afterwards, but worst of all I will miss the Bon Jovi concert that Lindsey got me a ticket to for Christmas! I'm disappointed that I have to miss these things but the only other option is to stay with Enterprise and that's something I cannot do so I have to just take the good with the bad.

It's hard to believe that tomorrow I will be a quarter of a century old. It's funny, after 21 the birthdays start to seem like just another day, except on this day not only will I be "old" but my insurance rates will go down, so that's a good thing I guess!