The World According to JJK

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Almost December already?

Hard to believe it's November 30th, which makes everyone happy at work because it's the end of Hurricane Season, though it's kind of disconcerting that Tropical Storm Epsilon is still out in the Atlantic. Sure it's not going to hit anything, but still odd that a storm is still out there.

Thanksgiving has come and gone. Ate way too much food, as usual on that day, and spent time with the family. I missed the "biggest shopping day of the year" because I had to work. Well, perhaps work is a bit strong of a word. Perhaps a better description would be sit at the office and read e-books all day. Yeah that's much more accurate.

On Sunday, Jim asked me if I'd help him put up the Christmas lights, which is a request that I approached with much dread and annoyance. Turns out it wasn't that bad, and I realize now that my misconception stemmed from way back when Dad used to have us help him put the lights up. Except at the house we had to attach these stupid plastic clips to the gutter so we could hang lights, but Jim was smart enough to drill hooks into the side of the house, so all we had to do was hang the strings of lights on the hooks. All in all, it took probably 30 minutes to do the whole house. I wouldn't say we went as overboard as this guy, but we did a pretty good job.

As far as Christmas shopping, I'm almost done with everyone on my list, and I've even come up with a few ideas for myself. For starters, I really want The Complete Calvin and Hobbes Collection. Also, in the "gee I wish" category would be this arcade cabinet . I think that'd be awesome to have, but more realistically I could settle for this Atari system, which ironically has better games in it. I had to laugh at the "political correctness" of the new versions on the arcade machine. Most everyone remembers Tapper, the game where you throw beers to burly bar patrons in hopes they don't get to the front of the bar and kick the shit out of you. Well in the 2005 version they make sure to call the game "Root Beer Tapper," yet still have the burly patrons. I would think they'd kick your ass on principle if you tried to serve them root beer, but that's just my view I suppose.


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