The World According to JJK

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

"Cause even though the birds ain't singing and the sun ain't shining it looks like a beautiful morning"

Well it's been a little bit since I've updated, and I'm sitting at Lindsey's waiting for her to get home so figure no time like the present.

Everything's going really well right now, well I'm still in my same job but I'm trying to put a positive spin on line, hence the song lyrics for the title of this post. I didn't get a chance to listen to it when it came out earlier this year, but The Minstrel Show by Little Brother is a really good album. I've heard of the group before, yet never really listened to them. In fact I knew them mainly because their producer, 9th wonder, has done a few high profile tracks for people such as Jay-Z on The Black Album. But I digress.

The song hits me on an optimistic, glass half full kind of level because it is all about turning a negative into a positive, which isn't always easy to do but is damn satisfying when you can achieve that difficult feat. So yes I'm still job hunting but at the same time I'm taking the time to stop and reflect that I am fortunate to have a job (especially with companies like GM laying off 30,000 people) and things could always be worse. Kind of like how at work I still haven't gotten my pay raise switched over that should have been done last month... whereas I would normally bitch and moan about it, I realize that it's all going to get retroactively handled, thus giving me some christmas cash I didn't know I had coming, so I can't be mad at that either.

Aside from that not a whole lot's going on... Lindsey's headed to Pensacola for Thanksgiving and my folks are coming down here so it'll be a feast of way too much food going on for a few days at least. Still not sure what I want for Christmas... been hearing about the Xbox 360 madness and still haven't seen anything that makes me want to shell out 600 bucks for a bundle, though I have seen some clips of future games that look pretty enticing so I'm sure at one point or another I'll bite the bullet and pick one up. Teasingly I told my brother that "maybe I'll buy a 360 when I move out as a housewarming gift to myself," to which he of course didn't like because he had to face the possibility of not being able to play it. Maybe I'll get it before then, who knows?


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