The World According to JJK

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Interesting week yet it was boring at times too

Had an interesting week this week, but at the same time it was pretty much "business as usual." Kind of odd it could be both at the same time right?

I found out I passed my test, so now all I need is for another supervisor to just up and quit and I'm in line for a promotion. That being said I'm STILL looking for other jobs though... just time to move on. Some days I think that my job isn't too bad, and then others I just shake my head that I went to college and this is what I do for a living. Guess my life would be a helluva lot easier if I actually ENJOYED programing and could be working for some computer company, but c'est la vie I suppose.

Lindsey's parents were in town this weekend, and they brought a friend of her Mom's with her. I had met them all before (we stayed at her Mom's friend's house when we went up to Pensacola earlier this year. They came down for the Bruce Springsteen concert, which I couldn't afford to go to, but I did get to hear "Blinded by the Light" because Lindsey called me during the song, so that was cool. Then on Saturday, they wanted to do something "touristy" so we took them down to The Pier, which they seemed to enjoy. We also had 5pm reservations at Maggiano's, so the plan was to leave St. Pete about 2 or 2:30 to get back in time to change clothes and relax a bit before heading back down to Westshore. Turns out that we were stuck in traffic, well not only traffic, we were stuck on the Howard Franklin Bridge for over 2 hours. Realizing there was no way in hell we were gonna make it back to New Tampa and then back down to eat, we just showed up at Maggiano's in what we wore to St. Pete... and proceeded to eat like kings! Lindsey's Dad has been to Maggiano's before, but I was the only other person that had been, so it was fun explaining to everyone that we basically pick 2 of everything on the menu to eat. They caught on quick as far as how to get tons of leftovers, and now there's like 4 bags full of food in Lindsey's fridge.

Being that it's almost mid November, it seems that everybody is asking me what I want for Christmas. Truth is, I have no idea whatsoever. The only person that has their shopping done for me is Lindsey, and that's because we're going to see Bon Jovi in February. I'd say I want a Xbox 360 but it's like 300 or 400 dollars and that's waaay too much... plus I'm not sure how much I'd play it right now. Maybe I'll get one later when the prices go down. So I'll have to either figure out what I want or just tell Mom & Dad I want money transferred to my account. It's easy to give a list to Jim... I just put a couple of video games on it and say "you choose." I know it drives Mom & Dad nuts, if for no other reason that I used to have my list made and printed out the first week of November, but when you have no idea what you want, what are you supposed to ask for?


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