The World According to JJK

Thursday, December 22, 2005

The Long Long Journey to 360 Zen

So I did it... I finally got an XBox 360, and it wasn't without a lot of trouble that I came into possession of one either.

First there was my attempt on the 18th to go to Best Buy and try to get one, was number 49 in line and they only had 44 consoles. Had I camped out like some others (yes tents and all) I would have had one 12/18.

Then came why I refer to as the "online search," which, thanks to an HTML genius, consisted of me refreshing a site that tracked each retail store to see if they had any 360's for sale. Had a few chances to buy them, but they were bundles starting at like 1200 bucks, which was too steep for my taste.

And then there were the website hacks. Somebody figured out how to search Gamestop's server and find the 360 page even though they were sold out so I tried to order one there. The next day they cancelled all those orders. Then someone figured out the javascript Best Buy uses, so when you would go to the regular item page with the words "sold out" everywhere, you just paste it into the browser and you get a 360 backordered. I heard they actually did ship some of these out, but mine wasn't one of them.

Finally, just when I began to accept the fact that I'd have to find one at Sam's or Target, Circuit City's website had them in stock yesterday. Not only that, but they actually gave you the ability to take items out of the bundled package that you didn't need. Ordered that and popped for the overnight shipping.

5:30 pm today Fed Ex paid me a visit (and I was getting impatient because their online thing said 4:30pm it'd be delivered). By 6 pm it was all hooked up and I was playing Call of Duty 2. Even better, for ordering with them Circuit City sent me a copy of Perfect Dark Zero, which is another shooter that I was going to get anyways.

So with the 3 day weekend coming up I can kick back, relax, and enjoy some gaming goodness.